


Good plugin for meeting management

Added by Johan J over 6 years ago

And first of all thanks for a nice open source program.

On volunteered base I have done a redmine test installation 3.4 for a non-profit organization to see if Redmine solves the need.

An other solution could be RunYourMeeting.
It is probably the best solution for meeting management. But since it is a payed one it will not bee possible to offer it to all the members. It is also strongly aimed only at the meeting. So if it possible to finds plugins to redmine that solves the meeting mangegment stuff well enough redmine can be a better solution for also other needs.

Are there any good plugins for:
meetings agendor protocols that interact with other issues in redmine.
Send meetning invetations, calendar integration so you can just click on a link in the email to accept the invetation or get to redmine to do it there?

Google calendar sync?

Meeting templates?

Thank you in advance. It is very difficult to get a good overview of available plugins. And it's possible to tweek redmine so it can do a lot of things. Which is good and some times bad...