


Combinening issues into SuperIssues if there is a trend.

Added by Nick Gorbikoff over 15 years ago


I was wondering if there is a way to do this in redmine. If there are multiple issues of similar nature : let's say phones are not working because ATT cut the cable outside, is there a way to combine them together into a SuperIssue or MajorIssue - so that one you resolve major issue - all the related/combined issues are marked as resolved / closed?

Thank you

Replies (4)

RE: Combinening issues into SuperIssues if there is a trend. - Added by Andrew Chaika over 15 years ago

You can use issue relations - dublicate.
Once one issue is closed all dublicates will be closed automatically

RE: Combinening issues into SuperIssues if there is a trend. - Added by Nick Gorbikoff over 15 years ago

Hi, Andrew?

I'm not clear what you are referring to? How / Where do I manage issue relations?
I don't see anything in the user guide or in redmine itself....

Thank you

RE: Combinening issues into SuperIssues if there is a trend. - Added by Nick Gorbikoff about 15 years ago

Hi, andrew.
Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for.

What would be nice thou - if you could go and do it through the main view ( view all issues) when you right click, and just select all the tickets in question and combine them. Not necessary - I'm just musing here :-)
