New Issue: Is it possible to populate the description box with a pre-defined template
Added by Aaron Boxer almost 16 years ago
I would like all developers on my team to file bug reports with the following info:
1. steps to reproduce
2. expected results
3. actual results
Is it possible to automatically enter the above three lines whenever a developer opens a new issue?
Replies (1)
RE: New Issue: Is it possible to populate the description box with a pre-defined template
Added by Andrew Rudenko almost 16 years ago
I have resolved this problem by adding my own code into app/views/issues/_form.rhtml file.
There are three tracker types in our redmine system, these are: Bug, Feature and Support.
I need for Template only for Bug tracker type, so the code is as provided below:
<p><%= f.text_field :subject, :size => 80, :required => true %></p> <p> <%# INSERTED CODE %> <% bug_template = ' *Steps to reproduce*: # # *Actual Results*: *Expected Results*: *Note*: ' %> <%# if issue is a new AND tracker name is 'Bug' %> <% if @issue.new_record? && (<=>('Bug')).eql?(0) %> <%# issue description will set to bug_template in case if it is not a blank %> <% @issue.description = bug_template if @issue.description.blank? %> <% elsif @issue.new_record? %> <%# clearing description for all tracker types that are not a Bug, if description is not blank and equals to bug_template %> <% @issue.description = '' if !@issue.description.blank? && bug_template.include?(@issue.description.gsub(/\r\n/m, "\n")) %> <% end %> <%# END OF INSERTED CODE %>
If you want the template to be added for each new issue independently of tracker type, the code will be following:
<% if @issue.new_record? %> <% @issue.description = bug_template if @issue.description.blank? %> <% end %>