xyz2grd: More than 1 records, only 1 was expected (aborting)!
Added by aakash anand about 5 years ago
I am trying to run a code, but I am getting the following error:
xyz2grd: More than 1 records, only 1 was expected (aborting)!
Can anyone help me with the issue? Why exactly it's happening and the possible solution.
the code is:
- Open bounds file and read in variables
set bds=`cat bound.gmt` #
set bounds = "-R${bds1}/${bds2}/${bds3}/${bds4}"
set proj = "-JM5i"
echo "Enter output file name (with .ps)"
set psfile=$< #
xyz2grd grid2dv.z -Ggrid2dv.grd -I${bds5}/${bds6} -ZLB $bounds
#xyz2grd grid2dt.z -Ggrid2dt.grd -I${bds7}/${bds8} -ZLB $bounds
grdimage grid2dv.grd $bounds $proj -Cvelgradabs.cpt -K -P >! $psfile
psscale -Cvelgradabs.cpt -Ba0.2f0.2:Velocity:/:km/s: -D7.3/14.3/12.00/0.4h -O -K -P >> $psfile
#grdcontour grid2dt.grd $bounds $proj -W3 -C20.0 -O -K -P >> $psfile
#psxy rays.dat $bounds $proj -W0.5 -O -K -P >> $psfile
psxy receivers.dat $bounds $proj -: -St0.10 -G50/50/200 -W3 -O -K -P >> $psfile
psxy sources.dat $bounds $proj -: -St0.10 -G50/50/50 -W3 -O -K -P >> $psfile
pscoast $bounds $proj -Ia -W1 -A2 -Ba10f5/a10f5 -Dh -O -P >> $psfile
ps2raster $psfile -A -Tf