Added by Gayathri Mathivanan over 5 years ago
Current date_field format is in "mm/dd/yyyy" in calendar(datepicker).
How to change the current format to "dd/mm/yyyy"
I have tried with the patch versions given in forums. It doesn't give any result as i wanted.
kindly resolve the issue.
Thanks in advance.
date_format.PNG (2.24 KB) date_format.PNG |
You can't.
That's because of this.
Redmine uses <input> elements of type="date" for datepicker fields and support of this element is embedded in browser and it's up to browser to give you output. Different browsers have different style for datepicker and they rely to your browser language to provide date format. That's not good, yes.
There is patch to revert date field to the old one with expected format.