Feature Request
Added by Anonymous almost 17 years ago
Hello -
I've tried Redmine for few days now and I really like the clean design, the customised fields, the role management. It is neat and great.
I have however few suggestions about the roadmap, they may not fit what the owner have in mind but I thought I put them into writing, just in case.
1. I'd like to be able to assign tags to items (Issues, Documents..)
2. I'd like to see a feature / module to create Workbreakdown structure. Each leaves will be given a owner, a workload, start and end date, estimation for cost (workload)...and it would be nice to track actuals against each leaf of the wbs. Would be nice to be capable of doing Earned Value Reporting as well.
From those work packages I'd like to be able to assign Risks, Issues, Actions, Documents.
3. Risks register could be an addition
That's it - the workpackage thing and the capability to create a network diagram between them to plan their execution would be a KILLER feature for me.
Another set of features I'd like to see is the capability to manage list of requirements and assigned to them test instructions, documents, wikis...managing the test progresses in an IT project would be great as well.
I wonder if those two set of features (Work packages and Test Management) could be created as " modules "/plugins?
I am happy to help on the requirement for those features. I can bring testing effort and my PMP certification !
Replies (3)
RE: Feature Request
Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago
Hi Vincent,
Thank you for your interest in redmine.
Concerning your feature request, I can only encourage you to search for similar request in the tracker, then create the missing ones and contribute the existing ones.
For your PMP certification then... it would be a pleasure to read your advise in such or such feature request, and in the Opendiscussion forum.
Bonne journée,
RE: Feature Request
Added by nicolas bertet over 15 years ago
Isotrol RequMNGT Redmine Plugin manage requirement, use case, testcase, traceability, baseline concepts according to the OpenUP and CMMi metodology .
You can download it here:
RE: Feature Request
Added by Thorsten Merten almost 15 years ago
Hi Nicolas,
unfortunately the download link does not work (500 error). Is this a temporary issue?