


Code posting and using Apache server?

Added by Craig Truzzi almost 16 years ago

I was wondering if anyone could assist me. I was wondering if there was any tutorial on how to actually use a Apache server for RedMine (or if not can someone give me an idiots reason as to why?) Second are there any plugins that give the ability to post code or some plugin for [code] and [/code] usage in the forums?
Thank you so much

Replies (5)

RE: Code posting and using Apache server? - Added by Craig Truzzi almost 16 years ago

I apologize, it appears there isn't an easy edit button. I was wondering if you could tell me what you are using for the forum (since the one that I downloaded didn't have it included, not sure if it does or doesn't).

RE: Code posting and using Apache server? - Added by chris redmine almost 16 years ago

redmine works fine with apache2 and mod fcgid, be sure to disable mod cgi and enable mod fcgid.

here's an example virtual host config for it.

  <VirtualHost *:80>
    DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production
    DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine/
    <Directory "/var/www/redmine/">
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all
      Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride all

RE: Code posting and using Apache server? - Added by Craig Truzzi over 15 years ago

Sorry but I am new to this. I don't need to do anything else to actually have Apache run a Ruby program? As well where is virtual host config, the apache side or the redmine side (I'm using XP for unrelated issues).
While thats an example what things would I have to actually change in it? Server Name for mine I don't recall ever giving it one, I simply use the IP address atm for accessing it).

RE: Code posting and using Apache server? - Added by chris redmine over 15 years ago

The virtual host config goes in your apache configuration files... read the apache docs. In place of "" put your ip address.


  <VirtualHost *:80>
    DefaultInitEnv RAILS_ENV production
    DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine/public/
    <Directory "/var/www/redmine/public/">
      Order allow,deny
      allow from all
      Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
      AllowOverride all

One other thing, you'll need to copy ./redmine/public/dispatch.fcgi.example to ./redmine/public/dispatch.fcgi

Of course follow the rest of the redmine install instructions for configuring redmine. good luck.

RE: Code posting and using Apache server? - Added by chris redmine over 15 years ago

hmm, windows xp - in that case, change the "/var/www/remdine/public/" entries to be something more along the lines of: "C:\location\of\redmine\public" where "public" is the subfolder under the "redmine" folder location.
