


Has anyone noticed all the fake review for Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUp)

Added by George Chester almost 4 years ago

Hey guys, I'm a customer of RedmineUp and have had an open support ticket for over a month.

I finally got fed up and came to the site to leave a bad review, however, I noticed they sure have lots of fake account review.

It is bad enough these guys profit off Redmine, but seriously, when you have to exploit the community forums for your own personal gain, that is quite low.

Here is a sampling of their top 20 review accounts that are fake or accounts with only 1 or 2 post on the same day.

[Jan Catrysse - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[Michael Fuchs - Redmine](
[Claudio Ghidini - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[Matej Leško - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](
[404 - Redmine](

Replies (1)

RE: Has anyone noticed all the fake review for Kirill Bezrukov (RedmineUp) - Added by Jan Catrysse over 3 years ago

Hello, just to be clear, I am a real redmineup user :-)
