


First time user - What I find annoying

Added by bob normal about 15 years ago

Just some comments from my experience. I have only really used Mantis in the past.

  • GANTT chart fails if nothing has dates (should still work, just without fixed dates)
  • The issue relations are annoying, eg: if you create a bunch of preliminary tasks, then a final task that depends on them, it's impossible to make 'block'
    style relationships unless you go back to the others (ie: 'blocked by' would be useful). secondly, when adding any issue relationship, not having automatic search is REALLY annoying -- who the hell can remember more than 10 or so issue numbers? waste of brainspace.
  • Unsure if MS ActiveDirectory integration is easy, this would be cool for our company (lame exchange setup), ignore this if it's documented since i didn't set up our install personally...

Otherwise looks pretty sexy so far.