


Replacing Overview's Member list with something else?

Added by Justin D'Onofrio about 15 years ago

Hi folks!

We're really enjoying Redmine so far, after moving from an old version of Mantis.

One of our projects serves as a bit of an intranet. On the overview page for this project, I'd like to get rid of the Members list, and replace it with an <iframe> element.

Problem is, I only want the <iframe> to display when users are viewing this ONE project - any other projects should remain as-is, Member list and everything.

There was some good info that got me where I needed to be (at least in terms of which file to play with) in this thread:

… but, I'm not sure what bit of code I should be using to specify "if project = intranet, display this…".

Might anyone be able to help me out, or point me in the right direction?

Thanks very much!