


Ha ocurrido un error mientras enviando el correo (550 5.7.67 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported by your organization. Please contact your administrator. [MRXP264CA0019.FRAP264.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] )

Added by Soporte TI almost 3 years ago

Hello good:

For a few days my Redmine does not send emails and it throws me the following error message.

An error occurred while sending mail (550 5.7.67 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported by your organization. Please contact your administrator. [MRXP264CA0019.FRAP264.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] )

I use an Office 365 account to send notifications.
This is my version of Redmine

Redmine version 2.5.2.stable
Ruby version 1.9.3-p231 (2012-05-25) [i386-mingw32]
Rails version 3.2.19
Environment production
Database adapter Mysql2
Subversion 1.8.8
Git 1.9.0
file system
Redmine plugins:
parent_issue_filter 1.0.2


Replies (1)

RE: Ha ocurrido un error mientras enviando el correo (550 5.7.67 TLS 1.0 and 1.1 are not supported by your organization. Please contact your administrator. [MRXP264CA0019.FRAP264.PROD.OUTLOOK.COM] ) - Added by User Employee over 2 years ago

Hello, Soporte TI.

Please use this topic:

and change you mail settings in configuration.yml to:

    delivery_method: :smtp
     openssl_verify_mode: none
     enable_starttls_auto: true
     address: "" 
     port: 587
     domain: "" 
     authentication: :login
     user_name: "emailaddress@domain.ti" #your email account login
     password: "password_to_email" #password from email account

Use your user_name and password
