


Error when editing a task from iOS

Added by Pavel Shtanko about 2 years ago

Hello. Editing a task from a mobile phone on iOS removes the entire description of the task. Tested on two devices. With the same actions on an Android phone, everything works correctly. Tell me what could be the problem.
Redmine Version:

  Redmine version                4.1.5.stable
  Ruby version                   2.6.9-p207 (2021-11-24) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version                  5.2.6
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               Mysql2
  Mailer queue                   ActiveJob::QueueAdapters::AsyncAdapter
  Mailer delivery                smtp
  Subversion                     1.14.1
  Mercurial                      5.6.1
  Bazaar                         3.1.0
  Git                            2.30.2
Redmine plugins:
  redmine_agile                  1.6.2
  redmine_checklists             3.1.20
  redmine_resources              1.0.6
  redmine_wysiwyg_editor         0.23.0
  redmineup_tags                 2.0.11
  time_logger                    0.5.4

Is there a chance that when updating to version 5.0 stable this bug will be fixed?
Thanks in advance.

Replies (1)

RE: Error when editing a task from iOS - Added by Dimitar (RedmineUP) about 2 years ago

Hi Pavel,

This is Dimitar from the RedmineUP Support Team.

I see that you have some of our plugins on your list:

  redmine_agile                  1.6.2
  redmine_checklists             3.1.20
  redmine_resources              1.0.6
  redmineup_tags                 2.0.11

So, could you please contact our support team at ? And our support engineers will help you investigate the situation.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Best Regards,
Dimitar from the RedmineUP Support Team
