sort 'assinged_to' by (firstname, lastname)
Added by Al West over 15 years ago
Hi redmine,
I find the ordering of the assigned_to field by (lastname, firstname) but displayed as (firstname, lastname) counter-intuitive.
Looking through the forums I came across #1841 - which (in the description) mentions wanting to sort by (firstname, lastname)
but the patch was implemented as (lastname, firstname) with r2351.
Would it be possible to have the default as (firstname, lastname) which is how the 'assigned_to' column is displayed?
Potential patch:
--- query.rb.orig 2009-06-15 15:50:19.000000000 0700, :sortable => ["#{User.table_name}.lastname", "#{User.table_name}.firstname", "#{User.table_name}.id"], :groupable => true),
++ query.rb 2009-06-15 15:50:39.000000000 -0700@ -108 +108
@, :sortable => ["#{User.table_name}.firstname", "#{User.table_name}.lastname", "#{User.table_name}.id"], :groupable => true),