


Adding spent time to a ticket doesn't modify the "last updated" on ticket

Added by Klaus Friese 10 months ago


We're using redmine for time tracking since a while and I made a small utility to get the spent time using the REST api.

I'm looking for issues updated after my start date and in the next step I'm looking for the "spent time" entries for this ticket.
Problem: If a ticket is not modified for a longer time, but somebody has added a "spent time" entry I will not find this information if the ticket was modified before my search start.

I'm modifying my utilily now to find this entries - but in my opinion the spent time is part of the ticket and the ticket "last updated" should be modified when adding a new "spent time" entry.

Can (and should) I report this as an error? Or new feature? Is there an plugin to do this?


Replies (1)

RE: Adding spent time to a ticket doesn't modify the "last updated" on ticket - Added by david brewe 10 months ago

It appears that Redmine's behavior of not updating the "last updated" timestamp when adding "spent time" entries to tickets is causing issues with data retrieval for time tracking. You can consider reporting this as a feature request or bug to the Redmine community or project repository. Updating the "last updated" timestamp when adding "spent time" entries could enhance the accuracy of data retrieval based on modification times.
