


Released Rexer, a command-line tool for managing Redmine plugins and themes

Added by Katsuya HIDAKA about 1 month ago

I have released Rexer which is a command-line tool. It allows you to define plugins and themes in a Ruby DSL and install, uninstall, update, and switch between different sets you defined.

Install Rexer.

$ gem install rexer

Create a definition file `.extensions.rb` in the root directory of the Redmine app.

$ rex init
/path/to/redmine/.extensions.rb created

Define themes and plugins you want to use in the `.extensions.rb` file.

# .extensions.rb
theme :bleuclair, github: { repo: "farend/redmine_theme_farend_bleuclair" }

plugin :redmine_issues_panel, github: { repo: "redmica/redmine_issues_panel", tag: "v1.0.2" }

Install the plugin and theme.

$ rex install
Install bleuclair ... done
Install redmine_issues_panel ... done

That's all.

Rexer has also the following features.

  • Defining for each environment and plugin and theme using env :env_name do ... end DSL
  • Defining hooks (installed and uninstalled) for each plugin and theme
  • Configuring the command prefix, for example "docker compose exec -T app"

See README for further details.

I’d appreciate it if you could give it a try!

Replies (1)

RE: Released Rexer, a command-line tool for managing Redmine plugins and themes - Added by Melody Amundson 1 day ago

Rexer is a command-line tool for managing Redmine plugins and themes. Define extensions in a Ruby DSL, install or update using rex install or rex update, and customize with environment-specific definitions and hooks. For more details, refer to the Rexer README on GitHub.
