Custom Fields for Versions
Added by gabriel scolan almost 17 years ago
What do you think on adding the possibility to define Custom fields also for the Versions (and may be for other items too) ? Currently on version 0.7.1, only Issue, Project and User can have custom fields (as far as I know).
custom fields for versions could be useful to insert version related metrics, such as Tests Results, Tests Coverage, CPU Load, RAM/Stack consumption, or any information you can then display in a graphical manner, within Redmine (the best), or with an external tool like MSExcel (not so bad).
what do you think of that ?
Replies (5)
RE: Custom Fields for Versions
Added by Eric Davis almost 17 years ago
I think that would be good idea.
RE: Custom Fields for Versions
Added by Sven Schuchmann almost 17 years ago
do you mean something like this:
cu SveN
RE: Custom Fields for Versions
Added by gabriel scolan almost 17 years ago
Not really, although this feature (planed for 0.8) is important too.
My point is that currently in version 0.7.1, the custom fields can be defined only for : project, issue, user
I'd like to be able to add custom fields also for "version" (and may be other 'objects'). This will help on detailing the version properties (not only description and milestone)
RE: Custom Fields for Versions
Added by Eric Hollering about 15 years ago
I would love to see this feature as well. I currently have to choose between moving my due dates to reflect actual schedule dates, or maintaining them so that we can readily see how far behind we are. I thought to myself, "No problem, I'll just go add a 'Projected Date' field to the version so that I can easily spit out either deliverable." (the two deliverables being the realistic project schedule, and the Gantt chart showing where we are compared to the plan so we can see how far behind we are) No dice! Can't add the field. Like the others above, I would love to see the version made extensible like the other objects.
RE: Custom Fields for Versions
Added by Eric Hollering about 15 years ago
My need may actually warrant an additional feature in and of itself, so that the Projected Date could be visible on the Roadmap, and possibly used for the Gantt chart as well. I have added a separate feature request (#4528) for this particular idea.