


Subproject depths limited to 1

Added by gabriel scolan almost 17 years ago

Hi all,

on Redmine 0.7.1, it seems that only one hierarchy level between projects is implemented (I mean a subproject can not have other subprojects). Is there a conceptual reason for that, or is it only because of lack of time ?

Can't we also have projects being subproject of different projects ? I think of product libraries that are embedded in multiple projects, which each should have a complete consolidated view with their subprojects.



Replies (8)

RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Thomas Lecavelier almost 17 years ago

I think it's a feature: project relation deeper than 2 leads to a really mess.

I disagree with your example about libraries: a library is a totally different project than the projects that used them. You can point them as references, but I'd never set a lib as a subproject of its using-project (nor the inverse).

RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by gabriel scolan almost 17 years ago

I can indeed imagine the mess, I was hoping you'd have found a easy and clean solution for this.

The idea is only to get a consolidated view of everything is going-on and necessary to complete the "master" project, using libs.
May be some cross query over projects that are not "linked" with a Redmine link is possible. I never tried. Is it possible to have a query over multiple projects ?

thanks for your feedback

RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Anonymous almost 17 years ago

I suppose this is a bit similar to related issues. You could have related projects as well as sub-projects. We work in a similar manor but hadn't got around to looking at cross-project querying yet (only moved from trac a couple of days ago and are still getting over the joy of having multiple projects and time-tracking in the first place!)



RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Bill Hacker almost 17 years ago

Bummer - Just noticed that.

A depth of 1 is no depth at all.

Might as well instantiate a separate Redmine for each project...

Should be easy enough to fix..... once I find out how to grok a bit of Ruby.

The SQL is dead-easy.


RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Bill Hacker almost 17 years ago


- multiple depths work fine and display 'decently' as is (tweaks come later...)

First thing needed is revised code for the 'Subproject of' drop-box.

Those in the attached screenshot were manually set in the DB from the CLI.


RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Bill Hacker almost 17 years ago

Fix to the selection menu to allow selecting any existing project as a parent:

Line 66 of ~/redmine/app/controllers/projects_controller.rb

Remove the ...IS NULL part before the AND

More later...

RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Bill Hacker almost 17 years ago


No longer limited. Any project may be a child of another.

Also had to remove the entire routine: protected' in ~redmine/app/models/project.rb

TO DO: Some semblance of sane sorting for display....


RE: Subproject depths limited to 1 - Added by Brian Coughlin almost 17 years ago


Please track/account for this feature change at
