


LDAP auth fails with Invalid user or password upon login attempt

Added by Steve Burch almost 15 years ago

I have a CentOS 5.3 system installed with: ruby 1.8.6, rubygems 1.3.1, rails 2.1.2, rake 0.8.3, the mysql gem and Redmine 0.8.5.

I have the LDAP authentication page setup to point to our Windows AD server on the std port 389, with a valid Account and password since we don't allow anonymous searches/binds. Also the 'on-the-fly user creation' button is checked -
Base DN: dc=engineering,dc=my-company,dc=com
Login: sAMAccountName
Firstname: givenName
Lastname: sn
Email: mail

The 'Test' link works OK, but when I attempt a login I get 'Invalid user or password' error. Below is the output in the production.log:
Processing AccountController#login (for at 2009-10-06 16:08:41) [POST]
Session ID: 61a03e12e5556c3ba98e02b1b24c074f
Parameters: {"back_url"=>"", "action"=>"login", "username"=>"sbburch", "controller"=>"account", "password"=>"[FILTERED]", "login"=>"Login »"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering account/login
Completed in 0.04538 (22 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.02848 (62%) | DB: 0.00526 (11%) | 200 OK []

The text after "login"=> in the log looks curious and different than other output I've seen in other posts. Usually the login name is repeated here.

Any suggestions on how to further troubleshoot this would be greatly appreciated.

Replies (4)

RE: LDAP auth fails with Invalid user or password upon login attempt - Added by ww yhy about 14 years ago

Have your problem solved yet? I met this problem same as you. Could you please give me some suggestion?


RE: LDAP auth fails with Invalid user or password upon login attempt - Added by Enric Navarro almost 14 years ago

Can you share the solution? I'm having the same problem.


RE: LDAP auth fails with Invalid user or password upon login attempt - Added by ww yhy almost 14 years ago

about my problem is DNS. my DNS server can not resolve the domain of my LDAP server.
Please check your DNS resolve.

if the server is REDHAT LINUX. please check the /etc/resolve.conf file.
