


Delivery date for 0.7.2?

Added by YA Chris almost 17 years ago


I see in the roadmap that 100% of the features for 0.7.2 are done. Does that mean its release is imminent, or just that the developers are caught up? We'd like to switch from 0.6.4, but I don't want to jump to 0.7.1 only to have to update a day or two later (which is typical with my luck :-) ).


Replies (2)

RE: Delivery date for 0.7.2? - Added by Jean-Philippe Lang over 16 years ago

Hi, 0.7.2 should be out within a week or two.
There won't be any database change between 0.7.1 and 0.7.2. Just a bug fix release.

RE: Delivery date for 0.7.2? - Added by YA Chris over 16 years ago

Super! Thanks for the reply.
