


Importer plugin - pls help

Added by iza zam almost 15 years ago

Hi all,

I'm working on redmine_importer and stuck on below error.

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass) on line #6 of importer/result.html.erb:
3: <% end >
5: <h2><
= l(:label_import_result) ></h2>
6: <p><
= l(:label_result_notice, @handle_count, @handle_count - @failed_count) ></p>
7: <p><
= l(:label_result_projects) ><br/>
8: <
@affect_projects_issues.each do |project, count|%>
9: <label class="tabular2"><%= project >:</label><label class="tabular2"><= l(:label_result_issues, count) %></label><br/>

Appreciate your help, i'm not familiar with ruby. thanks

Replies (1)

RE: Importer plugin - pls help - Added by iza zam almost 15 years ago

Hi all,

It's me again...seems that no one can help me :(
Keep on getting all sorts of errors. Below is the recent one, hopefully someone can help this time

Completed in 0.17000 (5 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.05400 (31%) | DB: 0.09000 (52%) | 200 OK []
/!\ FAILSAFE /!\ Wed Mar 17 10:41:46 +0800 2010
Status: 500 Internal Server Error
Conflicting types for parameter containers. Expected an instance of Array but found an instance of Hash. This can be caused by colliding Array and Hash parameters like qs[]=value&qs[key]=value. (The parameters received were {"Lodge on"=>"Lodge On", "Module"=>"Module", "Priority"=>"priority"}.)
