


Redmine is listening on port but retrieve 500 error

Added by Fabian Doest almost 15 years ago

I'm using the current environment:

  • Windows Server 2007
  • Redmine-0.9.1
  • Ruby 1.8
  • Rails-2.3.5
  • Mongrel-1.1-5
  • Mongrel-service-0.3.4
  • Win32-service-0.5.2

When I start Redmine it works fine. I'm using the following command:
"ruby script/server webrick -e production -p 3000"

When I install and start the service I receive http 500 error.
For this I use the following commands:
- ruby ..\bin\mongrel_rails service::install N "redmineMongrel1" -p 3000 -e production -c C:\Apache\Ruby-new\apps\redmine --prefix /redmine -S c:\Apache\Ruby-new\apps\envvars
sc config redmineMongrel1 start= auto
- net start redmineMongrel1

It is listening on the correct port because when I do a netstat command I can see the correct port.

How can I investigate the problem further? I've checked already the event viewer but it doesn't show any errors.

Replies (1)

RE: Redmine is listening on port but retrieve 500 error - Added by Fabian Doest almost 15 years ago

Just tried it with the following command:
mongrel_rails start -e production -p 3000

This also works. Something goes wrong when starting Redmine with mongrel-service.
