Open issues in project overview shows wrong count
Added by Henk Smits almost 15 years ago
Dear all,
In the projectoverview there's a box titled "issue tracking" and it states the count for open and closed issues. Although my project has over 20 open issues and about 300 closed ones, the box says "Bug: 0 open / 1".
I traced down the sql which is causing the problem and is stated below:
SELECT count(DISTINCT "issues".id) AS count_all, tracker_id AS tracker_id FROM "issues" LEFT OUTER JOIN "projects" ON "projects".id = "issues".project_id LEFT OUTER JOIN "issue_statuses" ON "issue_statuses".id = "issues".status_id LEFT OUTER JOIN "trackers" ON "trackers".id = "issues".tracker_id WHERE ((( = 17 OR (projects.lft > 25 AND projects.rgt < 26))) AND issue_statuses.is_closed='f') AND (projects.status=1 AND IN (SELECT em.project_id FROM enabled_modules em WHERE'issue_tracking')) GROUP BY tracker_id
If i put this query directly into my postgresql server, it shows 1 as a result for count_all. If i however remove the part of the where clause thats saying "AND IN (SELECT...", the result for count_all is correct. If i put in the subquery (SELECT em.project_id FROM ...) it shows a list of projectid's including projectid 17.
Could someone explain to me why this is not working?
Thanks in advance, Jasper