


Redmine entry point

Added by Benjamin FRAUD over 14 years ago

Hello everybody!

I'm trying to understand how Redmine proceeds to guide users through the application, and there is something I don't seem to understand :

I'm running Redmine on a Fedora server and I access it by the URL http://myserver. Someone installed it before and managed to redirect the user to the proper folder when they enter this URL. I looked into the httpd.conf file onto the server, and I found the original URL was "/usr/local/redmine-0.9.3/public", along with the alias "myserver". But, when I try to reach directly "http://myserver/usr/local/redmine-0.9.3/public", I get an error message telling me the page does not exist (the message is from Redmine, not from my browser).

How is that possible? Do I miss something? Some page informed me once about something regarding the disptch.fcgi file. What is it made for?