Test email works, but notifications do not
Added by Rene de Gek over 14 years ago
I have installed redmine 0.9.2. My problem is that i cant get the notifications to work. The test email arrives and also the email that is sent when a useraccount is changed makes it to my mailbox.
Following the faq i have uncommented the line 'config.action_mailer.logger = nil': Now the test email action gets a 'Send mail to ' line including the correct emailaddress. But the new issue action does not get the send mail to line in the log.
I have searched the faq and forums for a solution, but i can't find any...
anyone know a solution?
Replies (2)
RE: Test email works, but notifications do not - Added by Rene de Gek over 14 years ago
The testemail arrives and the log file shows a 'Send mail to' line including the correct address.
But: Notifications are not being send and the log file does not contain a 'send mail to' line for the new issue action
Is this a known problem? What can i check/change to get the notifications working?
Please help!
SOLVED - Added by Rene de Gek over 14 years ago
i did use an unstable version (it was a 0.9.2 version, i don't know the exact revision number). It appeared to me that it was a transitional version with hooks being introduced or deleted. I upgraded and email notificatuins for new/changed items work ok now.