


redmine crashes/does not react anymore when I try to browse project repository

Added by Tammo Tjarks over 14 years ago

I currently try to browse a subversion project repository via redmine.
The the repository is locally stored on disk, so I use for the URL a
I have also importet already the history. The setup must be basically ok, because I was alread two/three times enabled to see the repository. But mostly the browser does not react at all when I selecet Project repository.
The browser waits for the server and there is no update anymore. I am even not enabled to stop the server bei
CTRL+C but I have to use an kill -9.
I use:
ruby 1.8.7 (2009-12-24 patchlevel 248)
redmine 0.9.3
on a 64-bit redhat 4 machine.

Is there anyone with similar experiences? Does someone have an idea, what I could have done wrong. Is there maybe an extra library I should install to have an more performant access to subversion?


Replies (1)

RE: redmine crashes/does not react anymore when I try to browse project repository - Added by ... cole over 14 years ago

Sounds similar to my issue:

RE: Can't Show Issue (500 Internal Server Error) - ActionView::TemplateError
