


Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ?

Added by Theo A about 14 years ago

I've just spent several hours trying to install redmine on a fresh setup of Ubuntu 10.04 server. Since the whole point of package management is to make installation as quick and painless as possible I assumed that the only thing I would need to do to get a copy of redmine up and running is: "apt-get install redmine". It wasnt.

  • The installer doesn't like it if you don't have mysql-server installed and running, it just seems to go crazy. The whole point of dependency is lost, if your installer runs before installing the dependent package.
  • Rails was installed without any of the necessary packages needed to build/install gems, it took me a while to figure out that I needed build-essentials and various other mysql-dev things. Perhaps this is more of a rails issue.
  • WEBrick doesn't seem to let me access redmine from outside localhost. I tried -b= and -b=<my-ip> and I get /usr/lib/ruby/1.8/webrick/utils.rb:63:in `getaddrinfo': getaddrinfo: Name or service not known (SocketError)
  • Someone recommended passenger. I ran the passenger installation with Apache2. The first error I get is: Permission denied - /etc/redmine/default/session.yml
  • After messing around with PassengerDefaultUser and other permissions from various forum posts passenger simply gives me an "Internal Error"

I gave up. I want to use redmine but I cant find a way to get it working. I wish the deb package would just install it and run it with some default settings, just like the apache2 package does, just like the mysql-server package does, just like any other package I've ever come across does. Anyone?

Replies (9)

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Theo A about 14 years ago

Edit: wait, why would I even need to gems install mysql? surely the redmine package should do this for me?

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Muntek Singh about 14 years ago

We have no control how individual package maintainers choose to package redmine. There are some very good guides on the wiki, as well as throughout the internet on how to setup redmine on debian/ubuntu.

Looks like you can contact the ubuntu folks who put together that package here:

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by ha thach about 14 years ago

if you want a zero effort package, you should try bitnami redmine stack. Could not imagine anything simpler than that

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by minkbear minkbear about 14 years ago

ha thach wrote:

if you want a zero effort package, you should try bitnami redmine stack. Could not imagine anything simpler than that

Yes, that's right. Here is url,
Hope this help

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Theo A about 14 years ago

Thanks guys! For the record, on a fresh install of Ubuntu 10.04 server you'll probably need to apt-get install ia32-libs before running the bitnami .bin installer. I also found it better to let bitnami install MySQL for you - otherwise I got some kind of port-binding error.

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Julien Polo about 14 years ago

With passenger, it works if you only add these lines in "/etc/apache2/mods-available/passenger.conf" :

PassengerDefaultUser www-data

And in "/etc/apache2/sites-available/default" :

RailsEnv production
RailsBaseURI /redmine

<Directory /opt/redmine/public/>
  Options FollowSymLinks
  AllowOverride None
  Order deny,allow
  Allow from all

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Cedric mosnier over 10 years ago


I have the same error on:
Someone recommended passenger. I ran the passenger installation with Apache2. The first error I get is: Permission denied - /etc/redmine/default/session.yml

how did you fix it ?

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Cedric mosnier over 10 years ago

sorry i do not have the same error message:
No such file or directory - /etc/redmine/default/session.yml (Errno::ENOENT)

RE: Redmine Installation: As SImple as "apt-get install redmine" ? - Added by Jan Niggemann ( team member) over 10 years ago

You resurrected a thread that's three years old. Please open a new one.
