Error while upgrading 0.9.3 to 0.9.4
Added by Andrew Gerschler over 14 years ago
I'm trying to upgrade Redmine version 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 using the zip file pakage on a Windows Server 2003 R2 machine running Apache, mySQL, and Mongrel. Essentially when I finish the process and try and access Redmine through the browser I get a Proxy error and then a 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Error. I've tried following the instructions from both of the following locations: (Updating Redmine code only section)
The first one isn't clear about the fact that you have to stop the servers and rename the old installation and name the new installation "redmine". It also doesn't contain anything about copying the "scripts" or "conf" folders.
The second one if you run the "servicerun.bat STOP" command you running any of the rakes because it stopped the SQL server. This one also tells you to copy the existing session_store.rb rather than generate it with either the "rake config/initializers/session_store.rb" or "rake generate_session_store" commands.
In general I get errors running any of the rakes if I don't include the "RAILS_ENV=production" portion.
I've tried both copying the existing session_store.rb file and generating a new one. Though when I run either of the "rake config/initializers/session_store.rb" or "rake generate_session_store" commands on the clean installation package I get an error "A key is required to write a cookie containing the session data.", so I did what it requested and added the "config.action_controller.session" line to the environment.rb.
I've tried every sequence I can derive from those two instruction pages, and still keep getting the Proxy error and the 503 error when I finish.
I'm not sure where to check to find any details about what's causing the Proxy error and the 503 error.
I'm a novice at Ruby, Apache and mySQL, so any help anyone can offer would be greatly appreciated.
- Andrew
Replies (2)
RE: Error while upgrading 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 - Added by Andrew Gerschler over 14 years ago
So in looking into it a bit further, I was thinking that it probably has something to do with something not being set right in the Apache to get it to link correctly to the new application folder. I did a search on the forum for 'proxy' since the first error that came up was a proxy error and came across the following post:
That seemed like it might be a possible match for the issue I was having because the Windows server is being run on a VM and redmine/ is used in the path to link to the installation. So, that post pointed to the following installation guide as a potential solution:
But the syntax of the solutions looked wrong when I dug into the environment.rb file since all of the action controller stuff was in lowercase . synatx not camel case ::, so I did a search on "AbstractRequest" and "config.action_controller" and came across a comment to the following post that seemed like it might be the correct syntax:
Though when I added the line "config.action_controller.relative_url_root='/redmine'" to the end of my environment.rb file, it just started consistently producing a Proxy error, rather than switching to a 503 on the second try.
So, back to the drawing board unless anyone has any ideas of what else it could be.
- Andrew
RE: Error while upgrading 0.9.3 to 0.9.4 - Added by Andrew Gerschler over 14 years ago
I finally came across a set of installation instructions that worked at:
Though granted, I had to reinstall the whole Bitnami Redmine Stack to get it to work. The only difference from the instructions is that I had to use "RAILS_ENV=production" on the commands to clean up. Hopefully for future updates it won't be necessary to uninstall and reinstall the whole Stack.
I hope this helps anyone who may have similar problems.