


Trouble Installing Requirements for Redmine (gem install rails -v=2.3.5 --verbose)

Added by Jeffrey Five about 14 years ago


System: Red Hat 5 64bit - 2.6.18-194.el5

Ruby Version:
ruby --version
ruby 1.8.7 (2008-05-31 patchlevel 0) [x86_64-linux]

I can't put any of the other info from the "how to ask for help, as I haven't gotten that far.

I am running into this error while trying to install the requirement with the command listed above:

gem install rails v=2.3.5 --verbose
302 Found
304 Not Modified
302 Found
200 OK
Installing gem activerecord-2.3.5
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Zlib::GzipFile::CRCError)
invalid compressed data -
crc error

I've been googling around for some time trying to address this issue, I've run gem update --system and now have gem v 1.3.7 instead of 1.3.1. Which I think breaks the requirement again as in the RedmineInstall Doc it says to use gem 1.3.1 as a requirement but doesn't specify a higher version.

I installed ruby 1.8.7 via configure, make, make install, and installed rubygems by running the "ruby setup.rb" command. I did have some issues with zlib-devel not being present, once those were fixed I re-ran the setup for ruby gems as specified by a number of posts on google.

A couple other suggestions were to check on install openssl-devel to get this working, I've tried that and the error message changed to the file not existing in the local or other repository, if I can find the exact text or get it to do that again I will repost with that.

Thanks in advance for your help. I realize I probably have an issue outside the scope of an actual problem with redmine, but wasn't sure if anyone had this experience with redmine/redhat enterprise before.

Replies (1)

RE: Trouble Installing Requirements for Redmine (gem install rails -v=2.3.5 --verbose) - Added by Jeffrey Five about 14 years ago


Well I didn't want to double post but seeing as how I've solved my problem I thought I should share, though some may not like the solution.

I figured it had to do with missing some of the needed development tools to get redmine/ruby/rake, etc. installed so I re-installed Red Hat altogether (it's a test server so not a big deal).

I chose all of the development and web packages and unchecked ruby from the list.

This however didn't stop ruby 1.8.5 from being installed, so I had to do a yum remove on it and pull it out along with 4 minor kde development apps that also needed it.

I then compiled ruby 1.8.7 from source and after un "su -"ing and re "su -"ing the command yielded the right version.

From there I downloaded the rubygems package and ran that with the "ruby setup.rb" command as instructed and it worked just fine. After that gems behaved as expected. From there I followed the rest of the docs and I now have it up and running.

So bottom line, if you are trying to do this on red hat, make sure you have the needed development tools (I probably installed way more than I needed, but for now it will have to do).

Hope this helps someone sometime.
