Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController'
Added by dop in over 14 years ago
Hi. I tried to rake db:migrate but aborted with the message "undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController'".
I haven't modify any other codes but added some plugins.
Does anybody know how to solve this problem?
Replies (11)
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by dop in over 14 years ago
I found that this error is occurred by ckeditor plugin.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Barry Bingo over 14 years ago
Yep I'm getting this as well and the ckeditor plugin has not been touched since it was released making the future look pretty bleak.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
http://www.redmine.org/projects/redmine/repository/changes/trunk/app/controllers/issues_controller.rb #3941 I am guessing might have something to do with it.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
I have only basically tested it. Seems to work so far though :)
Fix - Direct Link - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Barry Bingo over 14 years ago
Thanks for looking at this Joshua.
I just tried out your patch, by replacing my /lib/redmine_ckeditor/issues_controller_patch.rb with your new one,
and it all seemed to work fine until I tried to create a new issue and then I got an undecorated screen with the following text.
CKEDITOR.instances['notes'].setData("<p>BarryBingo wrote:</p><blockquote></blockquote><p/>");
showAndScrollTo('update', 'notes');
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
Yea your right. I don't know how I didn't catch that :( I'll keep poking around with it.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
Commenting out line 11 in the issues_controller_path.rb file seems to work....still testing - I'm not sure what commenting it out actually affects yet.
I basically changed the alias (line i commented out above) to say new: instead of :reply since Eric refactored the :reply into :new and then moved it into the journal Controller. I then modified the function reply_with_ckeditor to new_with_ckeditor to comply with the new name.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Joshua Enfield over 14 years ago
Apologies for the spam - alias_method_chain :new, :ckeditor
is what I commented out above - it might be your line 10.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Barry Bingo over 14 years ago
Sorted. Seems to all work now.
RE: Rake abortion: undefined method `reply' for class `IssuesController' - Added by Eraldo Girardi over 14 years ago
I got it working with the changes I wrote here:
I really don't know if it is correct but sure it works for me ;)