Added by Chrisitian Noack over 14 years ago
You can use the REST API to create an issue. From the command line it looks like this:
echo '<issue><project_id>project-01</project_id><subject>test1</subject><description>desc1</description><category_id>1</category_id></issue>' | \ curl -X POST -H 'Content-type: text/xml' \ -H 'Accept: text/xml' -d @- http://localhost:3000/projects/project-01/issues/create?format=xml\&key=1234ab56ef453238392938492839
But how do I add an attachment (e.g. a screenshot) using REST API when creating an issue of when updating it? Whan would the xml-stucture be, what encoding do I have to use for the binary data?
Any hints? Best regards,