Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Jason Morris over 16 years ago
I am running redmine 0.7.3 on windows against sql server 2005.
I am trying to enter the date on my versions, but I am either getting an error or it is not persisting into the database.
I have tried
08-01-2008 results in an error: « Date » is not a valid date
2008-08-01 results in an error: « Date » is not a valid date (this is also the format the calendar puts into the textbox)
Here is a snippet from the log file, which looks me anyways.
Processing VersionsController#edit (for at 2008-07-22 09:58:06) [POST]
Session ID: a35ff91317c8f061fa985b84861a8b35
Parameters: {"commit"=>"Save", "action"=>"edit", "id"=>"1", "controller"=>"versions", "version"=>{"name"=>"King Kong", "wiki_page_title"=>"King Kong", "description"=>"", "effective_date"=>"2008-08-01"}}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering versions/edit
Completed in 0.09400 (10 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.06200 (65%) | DB: 0.00000 (0%) | 200 OK [http://xxxxxxxxxxx/versions/edit/1]
Anyone else seeing this? Anyone have an idea what might be going wrong?
Replies (6)
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Chris Taylor over 16 years ago
Think I've come across this as well, but I've not had time to look at it yet. I'm also running against Sql Server 2005.
I've had issues with the calendar / gantt chart views (do you get this?) which stem from the fact that Sql 2005 doesn't have a native Date type and everything gets cast to a DateTime. I'm wondering if this is something similar.
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Jason Morris over 16 years ago
I am having a problem with the gnatt chart, but I was thinking it was a RMagick problem. I don't remember if the gnatt chart or calendar depends on RMagick. I was saving troubleshooting that to a later date.
My calendar is blank, so is that the problem you are seeing too?
I will log the roadmap version date problem as an issue.
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Jason Morris over 16 years ago
Defect #1683 created for this issue.
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Chris Taylor over 16 years ago
Yes - blank calendar, and date-time conversion errors in the Gantt chart. The fix in is a bit of a hack to get around the problem - basically, the calendar is rendered by looping between two 'date's, but the info coming back from the database is a 'datetime', and the two don't match up so nothing gets rendered.
I think it's probably something that could be fixed at the sqlserver-adapter level rather than needing to modify Redmine, but I've only been looking at Ruby and Rails for a few days so I'm trying to work out how it all fits together.
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Chris Taylor over 16 years ago
I've now got a single fix for this, the calendar and the Gantt chart. It can all be resolved with changes to the sql server adapter file, rather than needing to change Redmine. I'll try and write something up tomorrow.
RE: Error when added date to roadmap version
Added by Chris Taylor over 16 years ago
Details are now available from