


redmine 500 errors

Added by phillip ledger about 14 years ago

I have spent all day working on getting a copy of redmine working for a project I'm working on and its starting to drive me crazy so forgive me if this is an easy fix but several pages are giving 500 errors in my install.

any help would be appreciated

here is the log output:

Rendering my/account

ActionView::TemplateError (wrong number of arguments (2 for 0)) on line #4 of app/views/my/_sidebar.rhtml:
1: <h3><%=l(:label_my_account)%></h3>
3: <p><%=l(:field_login)%>: <strong><%= @user.login %></strong><br />
4: <%=l(:field_created_on)%>: <%= format_time(@user.created_on) %></p>
7: <h4><%= l(:label_feeds_access_key) %></h4>

    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:158:in `warn_syntax_deprecation!'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:158:in `interpolate_without_deprecated_syntax'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:153:in `gsub'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:153:in `interpolate_without_deprecated_syntax'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:46:in `translate'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n.rb:160:in `t'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n/backend/base.rb:60:in `localize'
    /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/i18n-0.4.2/lib/i18n.rb:240:in `l'
    lib/redmine/i18n.rb:48:in `format_time'
    app/views/my/_sidebar.rhtml:4:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47my47_sidebar46rhtml_locals_object_sidebar'
    app/views/my/account.rhtml:59:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47my47account46rhtml'
    app/helpers/application_helper.rb:802:in `content_for'
    app/views/my/account.rhtml:58:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47my47account46rhtml'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/connection.rb:76:in `pre_process'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/connection.rb:74:in `catch'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/connection.rb:74:in `pre_process'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/connection.rb:57:in `process'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/connection.rb:42:in `receive_data'
    eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run_machine'
    eventmachine (0.12.10) lib/eventmachine.rb:256:in `run'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/backends/base.rb:57:in `start'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/server.rb:156:in `start'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/controllers/controller.rb:80:in `start'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/runner.rb:177:in `send'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/runner.rb:177:in `run_command'
    thin (1.2.7) lib/thin/runner.rb:143:in `run!'
    thin (1.2.7) bin/thin:6
    /usr/bin/thin:19:in `load'

Rendering /var/www/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

gem list --local output:

*** LOCAL GEMS ***

abstract (1.0.0)
actionmailer (2.3.5)
actionpack (2.3.5)
activemodel (3.0.3)
activerecord (2.3.5)
activeresource (2.3.5)
activesupport (2.3.5)
arel (2.0.3)
builder (2.1.2)
bundler (1.0.6)
daemons (1.1.0)
erubis (2.6.6)
eventmachine (0.12.10)
i18n (0.4.2)
mail (2.2.10)
mime-types (1.16)
mysql (2.8.1)
polyglot (0.3.1)
rack (1.0.1)
rack-mount (0.6.13)
rack-test (0.5.6)
rails (2.3.5)
railties (3.0.3)
rake (0.8.7)
thin (1.2.7)
thor (0.14.4)
treetop (1.4.9)
tzinfo (0.3.23)

thanks in advance

Replies (4)

RE: redmine 500 errors - Added by Andrew Paulsen about 14 years ago

This looks like what I went through last Thursday, are you using sqlite and did you recently update your rubygem-sqlite3? I had to roll mine back to 1.3.1 because 1.3.2 apparently broke things.

RE: redmine 500 errors - Added by phillip ledger about 14 years ago

hmmm looks like you didn't read all of my post or you would have noticed the mysql gem there and no sqlite one :) however you also didn't notice that I have i18n (0.4.2) installed there rather then i18n (0.4.1).

so what I'm saying is after a good nights sleep and having another look at it i found the problem, i have the wrong version of i18n installed :)

but thanks for the idea anyway :)

loving redmine now its all setup... just have to get my server running nice as ruby is a huge memory hog I'm finding.

RE: redmine 500 errors - Added by Andrew Paulsen about 14 years ago

Sorry I missed that, I also had that problem simultaneously and got the symptoms mixed up.

RE: redmine 500 errors - Added by shaun --- about 14 years ago

I was running into the same issue. I also had i18n 0.4.2 installed instead of 0.4.1.

Installing the correct version worked for me too.

Thanks Phillip.
