How to migrate a Redmine project to another instance of Redmine?
Added by Marco Melis over 16 years ago
I'm searching for some way to migrate a Redmine project into another instance of Redmine already containing other projects.
I imagine that one way can be copying directly from the DB, but I'm little worried about it.
Anyone can suggest me what is the best way for doing it and how?
Thanks in advance!
PS.This is my configuration:
Redmine 7.1 GLoc v1.1 running in development mode. Strings can be modified at runtime. About your application's environment Ruby version 1.8.6 (i486-linux) RubyGems version 1.1.1 Rails version 2.0.2 Active Record version 2.0.2 Action Pack version 2.0.2 Active Resource version 2.0.2 Action Mailer version 2.0.2 Active Support version 2.0.2 Edge Rails revision rel_2-0-2 Application root /home/marco/Applicazioni/redmine-0.7.1 Environment development Database adapter mysql Database schema version 92
Replies (1)
RE: How to migrate a Redmine project to another instance of Redmine? - Added by Thomas Lecavelier over 16 years ago
This thread should help (but need developement...)