


Direct login to Redmine without showing the main log in page

Added by Ondřej Chaloupka almost 14 years ago


I'm trying to find the answer for doubt written in the subject. I would like "integrate" my own site with the Redmine in the following manner.

I have my own webpage and I would like put a form there where user could enter his username and password and after the clicking on the submit button he would be redirected and logged directly to the Redmine system. I would like do it so that the user couldn't enter its username/password to the login form of the Redmine system.

What I understand the Redmine generates an autentication token for the user every time when the user wants to sign in and it needs this information for signing the user in.
Is it some possibility to gather the token for the user before his attemp to sign in?
Or isn't it possible to switch off the generating this autenticity token? I know that this is not the greatest idea for the solution (I suppose that the token probably solves the CSRF security problem) but I would need to solve it exept for the way how it will be done. Sorry for not correct ideas.

Thanks a lot for any help