


error new issue with wathcers

Added by axe axe about 14 years ago


I've installed redmine-1.1.0 ubuntu. My redmine succesfully working. But 1 problem.
I've add new issue with watchers

translation missing: en, field_watcher_users is invalid

this error. What do you thinking about guys?

Replies (5)

RE: error new issue with wathcers - Added by axe axe about 14 years ago

Someone help me this error?

RE: error new issue with wathcers - Added by axe axe about 14 years ago

Thanks reply to me.I'm found the solution.

You must edit the en.yml file. Add the following line under this line.

field_watcher: Watcher
add new line
field_watcher_users: Watcher

this is fix my error.

RE: error new issue with wathcers - Added by Etienne Massip about 14 years ago

#5373 says it's not a missing translation issue but an error triggered when two users have the same email address (which is not supposed to happen since redMine needs that a one-to-one user <-> email relation).

If you really have 2 or more user sharing the same email address, you would better fix that.

RE: error new issue with wathcers - Added by Luis Serrano Aranda about 14 years ago

I have this problem (not in all the users) and not share any email adress
