


Rake aborted ! Syntax error on line 14, col 2:

Added by dixi04 dixi04 over 16 years ago


I'm installing Redmine(v0.7.3) on my Ubuntu server and I have this error when i insert this command "sudo rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV="production"
rake aborted!
'yntax error on line 14, col 2: ` encoding: utf8

That is database.yml file

adapter: mysql
database: redmine
host: localhost
username: root
password: admin
encoding: utf8

I use the tuto of redmine WebSite to install it
Mysql parameters are correct (I use Mysql 5.0 database)
Can anybody help me ?



Replies (3)

RE: Rake aborted ! Syntax error on line 14, col 2: - Added by Eric Davis over 16 years ago


Can you repost your full database.yml file but enclosed in <pre> </pre> tags? The forum formatting ate the your exact file.



RE: Rake aborted ! Syntax error on line 14, col 2: - Added by Jamie Curtis about 16 years ago

Was this problem ever solved? I hate to resurrect a thread but i'm having the exact same problem that he described. I am running gentoo with mysql, ruby, and rails.

RE: Rake aborted ! Syntax error on line 14, col 2: - Added by Jamie Curtis about 16 years ago

Nevermind, I found the problem. In the config/database.yml file there needs to be a space before the password. I pressed the down arrow and automatically filled it in which made it so that there was no space.
