


Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue

Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago


After upgrading Redmine from 0.9.something to 1.1.1, I have a problem with "issues". I can browse every project and all other pages, except the two dedicated views listing issues and view a issue.

I can see the issue in the outline for a project's activity but when clicking on it - Internal Error (500). I have a bit of a problem to find the error in any logs as well. I'm using Ubuntu and Apache with this vhost:

$ cat /etc/apache2/sites-available/
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin developers@blbalblab
DocumentRoot /var/www/redmine/public
ErrorLog /var/log/redmine_error.log
LogLevel debug
<Directory /var/www/redmine/>
Options Indexes ExecCGI FollowSymLinks
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AllowOverride all
RailsBaseURI /redmine
PassengerResolveSymlinksInDocumentRoot on

Tailing that error log doesn't mention anything about a 500 which seems weird to be, tailing /var/log/apache2/error.log gives me nothing either.

This is the excerpt from script/about:

balbal@blaba:/var/www/redmine$ RAILS_ENV=production script/about
/var/www/redmine/config/../vendor/rails/railties/lib/rails/gem_dependency.rb:119:Warning: Gem::Dependency#version_requirements is deprecated and will be removed on or after August 2010. Use #requirement
About your application's environment
Ruby version 1.8.7 (x86_64-linux)
RubyGems version 1.4.1
Rack version 1.0
Rails version 2.3.5
Active Record version 2.3.5
Active Resource version 2.3.5
Action Mailer version 2.3.5
Active Support version 2.3.5
Edge Rails revision unknown
Application root /var/www/redmine
Environment production
Database adapter mysql
Database schema version 20101114115359

Also, I think that my colleague installed Passenger if that matters.



Replies (17)

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

Is there a log/production.log in your Redmine directory ?

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Etienne E Massip:

You are correct, I was checking /var/log/redmine/default/production.log for some reason.

Checking the correct file:

$ tail -f /var/www/redmine/log/production.log -n 0

Processing IssuesController#index (for at 2011-02-22 10:40:15) [GET]
Parameters: {"project_id"=>"forever", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"issues"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering issues/index.rhtml

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass) on line #16 of app/views/issues/_list.rhtml:
13: </tr></thead>
14: <% previous_group = false >
15: <tbody>
16: <
issue_list(issues) do |issue, level| ->
17: <
if @query.grouped? && (group = @query.group_by_column.value(issue)) != previous_group >
18: <
reset_cycle %>
19: <tr class="group open">

app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:28:in `issue_list'
app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:23:in `each'
app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:23:in `issue_list'
app/views/issues/_list.rhtml:1:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47_list46rhtml_locals_issues_list_object_query'
app/views/issues/index.rhtml:63:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47index46rhtml'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:90:in `index'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:95:in `process_request'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:207:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:374:in `start_request_handler'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:332:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:184:in `safe_fork'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:330:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:163:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:209:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:262:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:126:in `lookup_or_add'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:256:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:80:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:79:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:255:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:154:in `spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:287:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously'

Rendering /var/www/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

I tried to remove the - on line 16 but I guess the same error, even though the - is not in the file anymore. Is it cached perhaps? This is the error log after I removed the - and restarted apache (notice the weird error):

$ tail -f log/production.log -n 0

Processing IssuesController#index (for at 2011-02-22 10:47:25) [GET]
Parameters: {"project_id"=>"forever", "action"=>"index", "controller"=>"issues"}
Rendering template within layouts/base
Rendering issues/index.rhtml

ActionView::TemplateError (undefined method `-' for nil:NilClass) on line #16 of app/views/issues/_list.rhtml:
13: </tr></thead>
14: <% previous_group = false >
15: <tbody>
16: <
issue_list(issues) do |issue, level| >
17: <
if @query.grouped? && (group = @query.group_by_column.value(issue)) != previous_group >
18: <
reset_cycle %>
19: <tr class="group open">

app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:28:in `issue_list'
app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:23:in `each'
app/helpers/issues_helper.rb:23:in `issue_list'
app/views/issues/_list.rhtml:1:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47_list46rhtml_locals_issues_list_object_query'
app/views/issues/index.rhtml:63:in `_run_rhtml_app47views47issues47index46rhtml'
app/controllers/issues_controller.rb:90:in `index'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/rack/request_handler.rb:95:in `process_request'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_request_handler.rb:207:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:374:in `start_request_handler'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:332:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/utils.rb:184:in `safe_fork'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:330:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:163:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/railz/application_spawner.rb:209:in `start'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:262:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:126:in `lookup_or_add'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:256:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:80:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server_collection.rb:79:in `synchronize'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:255:in `spawn_rails_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:154:in `spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/spawn_manager.rb:287:in `handle_spawn_application'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `__send__'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:352:in `main_loop'
/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/phusion_passenger/abstract_server.rb:196:in `start_synchronously'

Rendering /var/www/redmine/public/500.html (500 Internal Server Error)

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

Already seen that not a long time ago.

I think you forgot to run db:migrate rake task.

See RedmineUpgrade.

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Etienne E:

I thought I had the updates right but tried again. Does this look correct?

$ rake RAILS_ENV=production db:migrate --trace
(in /var/www/redmine)
  • Invoke db:migrate (first_time)
  • Invoke environment (first_time)
  • Execute environment
  • Execute db:migrate
  • Invoke db:schema:dump (first_time)
  • Invoke environment
  • Execute db:schema:dump

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Forgot to mention: the error still exists even after the db:migrate

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

Check your issues table :
  • either columns root_id, lft and rgt do not exist => should be a db:migrate issue
  • or these columns contain Null values => should be a data export/import issue

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Etienne E:

Your second statement is true: or these columns contain Null values => should be a data export/import issue

Do I need to manually fill these in?

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

You can only if you don't have any subtasks.

In this case, root_id = id, lft = 1 and rgt = 2 :

UPDATE issues SET root_id = id, lft = 1, rgt = 2 WHERE COALESCE(root_id, lft, rgt) IS NULL

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

That SQL-query worked very well, thank you Etienne E. Problem solved.

If this is a migration bug, perhaps it should be fixed somewhere. The migration performed was 0.9.3 -> 1.1.1.

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

Here is the migration file : source:trunk/db/migrate/20100313132032_add_issues_nested_sets_columns.rb

It both adds the hierarchy columns and update them for all existing issues.

Is it possible that you ran db:migrate on the empty db before re-importing the dump ?

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Actually, I never had an empty db, instead of dumping/re-importing I just dumped a backup and went on with the install.

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

Did you use some kind of issue hierarchy plugin with 0.9.3 or did you apply one of the patches posted with #443 ?

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

I don't think so, but I did download a fresh install of the new redmine version, rewrote rules to use that one; and imported database.yml into the new one, so the "migration" was manually done.

I don't believe we've had more plugins before, than the current lineup:

cts_as_activity_provider acts_as_tree gravatar
acts_as_attachable acts_as_versioned open_id_authentication
acts_as_customizable acts_as_watchable prepend_engine_views
acts_as_event awesome_nested_set rfpdf
acts_as_list classic_pagination ruby-net-ldap-0.0.4
acts_as_searchable engines

RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago



RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Carl Helmertz almost 14 years ago

Thanks a lot anyways for helping me, you saved my day!


RE: Internal error trying to list issues or view a specific issue - Added by Etienne Massip almost 14 years ago

No problem. The only origin I can think of is that you already had these columns in your issues table (because of a #443 patch ?) and that's why the update failed during migration.
