Redmine 1.1.1 on Debian Squeeze64bit - unusable
Added by Stefan Lindecke almost 14 years ago
Hello !
Big problems. I´ve installed redmine on a debian system, man years ago, working via passenger. Very nice, round about 250 projects. High usage.
So, the new Debian Release came, i´ve upgraded my server, and the problems begin.
Memory Usage of the ruby processes up to 2 GB (each one, 4 parallel)
CPU Highload (100%)
The only way at the moment is, to kill the ruby tasks.
Than, my redmine is usable for round about 1 hour.
quickly, no problems...
Could there be a problem, with connected SVN Repositories ?
How could i find out, what is wroing ?
production.log would not give any hints.
Replies (1)
RE: Redmine 1.1.1 on Debian Squeeze64bit - unusable (SOLVED - sosospider) - Added by Stefan Lindecke almost 14 years ago
Finally i found out, what has happend.
A chinese crawler named sosospider+ requested an enormous amount of pages. Existing and NonExisting Pages.
Including an enormous http requests with false headers.
Adding the IPs of that Spider into my iptables and after a few seconds everything works fine.
That was very hard, to find out.