How can I get activity_id for Time Entries API
Added by Dmit nitkin almost 14 years ago
To create Time Entry with REST API this parameters should be used:
•time_entry (required): a hash of the time entry attributes, including:
◦issue_id or project_id (only one is required): the issue id or project id to log time on
◦spent_on: the date the time was spent (default to the current date)
◦hours (required): the number of spent hours
◦activity_id: the id of the time activity. This parameter is required unless a default activity is defined in Redmine.
◦comments: short description for the entry (255 characters max)
The question is where can I get list of activity_id ?
Replies (3)
RE: How can I get activity_id for Time Entries API - Added by Rodrigo Recio about 13 years ago
I'm having this same issue. any solution?
RE: How can I get activity_id for Time Entries API - Added by Ricardo Henrique Teixeira over 12 years ago
try see in enumerations table.
Regards, Ricardo Henrique.
RE: How can I get activity_id for Time Entries API - Added by Ricardo Henrique Teixeira over 12 years ago
try see in enumerations table.
Regards, Ricardo Henrique.