


migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error

Added by Valeri Mytinski over 13 years ago

While trying to migrate from Mantis 1.0.8 to Redmine (bitnami-redmine-1.1.1-0-windows-installer.exe) I got:

Migrating users...............
Migrating projectsrake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1: INSERT INTO `projects_trackers` (`project_id`, `tracker_id`) VALUES (1, 1

It is possible to migrate partly:
Users: 15/15
Projects: 20/50
Memberships: 43/92
Versions: 38/60
Categories: 110/230
Bugs: 571/929
Bug notes: 642/1060
Bug files: 140/240
Bug relations: 1/1
Bug monitors: 5/11
News: 0/4
Custom fields: 0/0

but only if I comment these 2 lines (near 277-280) in migrate_from_mantis.rake:
p.trackers << TRACKER_BUG
p.trackers << TRACKER_FEATURE

1) Is there requirements for Mantis version to migrate from?
2) If no, what is the problem and how it can be solved?

PS My steps are:
- drop and create empty database
- rake db:migrate
- rake redmine:load_default_data
- rake redmine:migrate_from_mantis

Replies (8)

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by WMI Admin over 13 years ago

Have same issue:

Migrating users.................................................
rake aborted!
Mysql::Error: Duplicate entry '1-1' for key 1: INSERT INTO `projects_trackers` (`project_id`, `tracker_id`) VALUES (1, 1)

Any solution ?

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by WMI Admin over 13 years ago

MantisBT 1.2.2
Redmine 1.1.2.devel

1. Create Clean Redmine DB
2. Load Default data in Redmine DB
3. Run Migration Script

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by WMI Admin over 13 years ago

Valeri Mytinski
try our solution:

1. Create Clean Redmine DB
2. Load Default data in Redmine DB

mysql -uroot -p'*********'
ALTER TABLE `redmine`.`projects_trackers` DROP INDEX `projects_trackers_unique`;

4. Run Migration Script

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by Enogu KUROI over 13 years ago

Currently, Project.trackers seems to be initialized when created. (see app/models/project.rb rev.4460)

Try edit lib/task/migrate_from_mantis.rake like this:

p.enabled_module_names = ['issue_tracking', 'news', 'wiki']
p.trackers.clear # insert this line !
p.trackers << TRACKER_BUG
p.trackers << TRACKER_FEATURE

here is my (very ugly lol) script to migrate Mantis 1.2.2 to Redmine trunk(rev.5856).

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by Enogu KUROI over 13 years ago

the last script has a serious bug. it can not handle the date field correctly.
here is modified version. sorry for my ugly work X-(

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by Antonio Garcia Marin about 13 years ago

For me the "alter table" solution works.
Before try the migrate script i delete all rows in the projects table
Mantis 1.0.5 -> BitNami Redmine Stack 1.2.0-0

RE: migrate_from_mantis Mysql::Error - Added by john lin over 12 years ago

To Enogu KUROI :
thanks for your script.

but there's a bug in it, causing flowing exception

undefined local variable or method `cname' for MantisMigrate:Module

Here's the fixed version.
