


Plugin development - Extending a core table

Added by ag k almost 14 years ago


I'd like to develop a plugin to add a customer to a project. A customer has got one or more projects and a project has one customer. So I have to extend the core table "projects" with a column "customer_id" and create a table "customer".
But how can a plugin customize a core table. Is it possible? If it is, is there a howto, a tutorial, a book or something else? Maybe someone knows another plugin that does this and I have a look how it is solved there.
Thanks a lot for your help.


Replies (1)

RE: Plugin development - Extending a core table - Added by ag k almost 14 years ago

No one with an idea? Or am I in the wrong forum an this question is offtopic?
I want to extend a core modell (projects) to have a column "customer_id" (foreign key) in in the projects table.
