Latest Project on frontpage shows all projects, regardless of user is in them or not
Added by Bernard Toplak almost 14 years ago
Hi to all!
I'm am maybe missing some permission setting, but it seems "Latest Projects" list on frontpage shows all projects to all users, regardless if they have access to them or not.
- I've setup one user group "customers", without any right to modify projects
- test user has ben set as "customer only to two projects
- all projects are private ("public" is unchecked)
but when I log in as a test user I still see all projects in "Latest Projects" list, and can access those projects, alltought I shouldn't have this right.
What (permission) am I missing?
Replies (2)
RE: Latest Project on frontpage shows all projects, regardless of user is in them or not - Added by Bernard Toplak almost 14 years ago
Mea Culpa! It seems that I've in some way overseen some project that have left the "public" status.
So, it's all OK.
RE: Latest Project on frontpage shows all projects, regardless of user is in them or not - Added by Nilo Cesar Teixeira almost 14 years ago
I have a inverse problem! In my redmine's homepage, some projects aren't listed, although I have permissions to see them.
Where do I config redmine to show all projects (instead of latest) on homepage ?