


How to "include_in_api_response" in an API call?

Added by Pok Lau almost 14 years ago

I would like to get the changeset for issues when using API calls. According to the show.api.rsb for Issues, there are two conditions changeset to return with an issue:
  1. include_in_api_response?('changesets') &&
  2. User.current.allowed_to?(:view_changesets, @project)

It is pretty straight forward for the second condition, but how can I actually "include changesets in api response"?

Replies (1)

RE: How to "include_in_api_response" in an API call? - Added by Pok Lau almost 14 years ago

Ok, lookst like all I have to do is to pass 'changesets' into the 'include' parameter in the URI, ie to call http://redmine.example/issues/999.xml?include=changesets
