Redmine (postgresql) + svn/git. Some question about wiki
Added by Emanuele Ricci over 13 years ago
This is the wiki link I found:
I'm a newbie about configurations and redmine.
I've some question about some lines
1) In this way, when I will create a project, it will automatically create the SVN repository? If yes, where?
Require valid-user
Allow from redmine.server.ip
# Allow from another-ip
Satisfy any
What does this mean?
Allow from redmine.server.ip have I to list all allowed ip address? If I want to let people access from all internet ( but only authed user )? What have I to write?
3) RedmineDSN "DBI:Pg:dbname=databasename;host=my.db.server"
In dbname I've typed "redmine_default" the database that redmine automatically created when I installed it. It's ok?
RedmineDbUser "redmine"
RedmineDbPass "password"
there are credentials that I used for the first install of redmine?
Thank you very much for your help.