


Message NOT processed and left on the server

Added by Miguel Sanchez about 13 years ago


Having issues with email submissions and new issue creations. Below is the command I am running to check the emails on the remote server:

rake -f /opt/redmine/Rakefile redmine:email:receive_pop3 RAILS_ENV="production" username=bugreport password=bugreport project=a1

The resulting output is as follows:

(in /root)
Connecting to
7 email(s) to process...
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server
--> Message NOT processed and left on the server

I have created the bugreport user in Redmine, as well the user for which I am sending the emails from. I have tried with the unknown_user=create no_permission_check=1 options as well and receive the same output. I have altered the non member and anonymous roles to allow everything (issue creation, editing, etc.) and ensured that the account I am sending emails from has the same permissions. Nothing thus far has worked.

Does anyone have any experience with this condition, I would really like to get this worked out.

Thank you.