


Redmine on OS X Server 10.6.7 - config apache

Added by Michał Lewandowski over 13 years ago

Today i've installed osx server and i'm a little bit confused about apache config and this is the first time i'm using ruby on rails product.

The redmine will be aviable only to local network without dns.
I've followed RedmineInstallOSXServer guide.
Added redmine.local to passanger in pref pane.

When I type in browser: redmine.local redmine working great.
When I type in browser macmini.local or localhost there is a os x web page with wikis etc.

How to config apache files that the redmine will be available under url fo example ex: on 80 port or on other port ?
Or maybe there is a option to do this in "Server Admin" tool ?

Sorry for dumb questions, but this environment is new for me.