Test Email execution expired
Added by Felix Ngaserin over 13 years ago
Seems like I've configured everything as told in the administration and installation guide. The only part I don't get to work is the email notification. I've configured the email.yml as the example and parameters are correct.
In the debug log of production.log I see this:
Sending email notification to: felix@whateverdomain.com
Sent mail to
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2011 18:36:12 +0700
Seems like sent mail to is empty. I'm using my corporate smtp server. The settings are correct. I used tcptrack and saw that when I'm requesting send test mail, it successfully opens a port to the smtp server (ESTABLISHED). I also checked the smtp log but I don't think there's send mail instruction in my smtp log.
Can someone please lighten me up what may have gone wrong?