Advanced SVN Integration on Windows
Added by Eric Pope over 13 years ago
I'm using the Bitnami Redmine stack on Windows server 2008. Things are going pretty great so far, Redmine ran right out of the box. But I would really like to do the advanced SVN integration outlined in the howto section: HowTo_configure_Redmine_for_advanced_Subversion_integration
In the instructions it says:
You need a working apache on your SVN server and you must install some modules at least mod_dav_svn, mod_perl2, DBI and DBD::mysql (or the DBD driver for you database as it should work on allmost all databases).
And that's where I'm having trouble translating the instructions for the Windows platform. Where can I get the mod_dav_perl2, mod_dav_svn and other required modules for Windows?
Is it even possible to setup advanced svn integration on Windows?
Thanks for your help,