How can I make bold some letters of a word?
Added by Renzo Meister almost 14 years ago
I need to write some special statements in the redmine wiki where some letters of a word must be bold.
After some research I've found a tipp for this problem here
This works for starting letters when I write:
But when I write:
THISISA​*SAMPLE*​TEXT it will show THISISA*SAMPLE*TEXT --> not correct
Does anyone know how I can write some letters in the middle of a word bold?
Best regards
Replies (1)
RE: How can I make bold some letters of a word?
Added by Sysadmin Informatik over 13 years ago
Anyone have an answer to this problem? I have the same problem with italics/strong. Separate words is ok but part part of words doesn't work. This makes it impossible for me to write the instructions i'm trying to write.