Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by Jorge Cabrera over 13 years ago
I linked a few secure svn repositories (https) to different projects on Redmine 1.1.2 following the technique of storing the repository's public key in a file and then changing in the file subversion_adapter.rb the line SVN_BIN to something like this:
SVN_BIN = "svn --config-dir /home/<redmine_user>/.subversion_www"
It was working great until I upgraded to Redmine 1.2. Now I have the same problem than before so I modified subversion_adapter.rb again and replaced:
SVN_BIN = Redmine::Configuration['scm_subversion_command'] || "svn"
SVN_BIN = "svn --config-dir /home/<redmine_user>/.subversion_www"
but I still get the same error when accessing the repositories:
The entry or revision was not found in the repository.
and Apache's log file shows this error:
sh: svn --config-dir /home/sistemas/.subversion_www: not found
It's not even a command not found. It's a not found. I'm very confused here, is there another way to use a https svn repository in this new version of Redmine? Can some one please help me?
Replies (5)
RE: Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by Jorge Cabrera over 13 years ago
By the way, I get the same error if I put svn's full path:
sh: /usr/bin/svn --config-dir /home/sistemas/.subversion_www: not found
Thank you for your help
RE: Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by Arnaud Martel over 13 years ago
I think that, now, you have to edit config/configuration.yml. For example, I use:
production: email_delivery: delivery_method: :smtp smtp_settings: address: "" port: 25 domain: "" attachments_storage_path: /var/lib/redmine scm_subversion_command: svn --config-dir /var/www/rails/redmine/svn
RE: Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by R Sonnenberg over 12 years ago
Even though this thread is fairly old, I just spent two hours trying to fix this. So I thought I'd share my findings (which I haven't been able to find anywhere else yet).
I was having the same problem, where I needed to use an alternative svn config-dir in order for the www-data (apache) user to permanently accept my self-signed certificate (I did not want to use the /var/www apache home folder). When I provided the config-dir in the configuration.yml (using scm_subversion_command), I kept getting error messages stating:
sh: 'svn --config-dir /path/to/svnconfig' not found
After a review of the code in, I noticed that the entire command provided in [scm_subversion_command] has shell quotes added in, thus making it impossible to find the svn command, because it assumes the --config-dir is part of the command name. Even the other solution (which worked on older Redmine installations for me before) to add the --config-dir parameter to the SVN_BIN variable failed to work, since the quotes are added afterwards.
Therefore, the only solution that really worked for me was the following; On line 35 (of the original shipped with version 1.3.2 from the Ubuntu 12.04 repo), replace:
@sq_bin ||= shell_quote_command
@sq_bin ||= shell_quote_command << " --config-dir /usr/share/redmine/svn"
This ensures that the parameter is added to all subversion commands and that it still allows usage of the [scm_subversion_command] option. I'll file a bug-report/feature-request for a more permanent solution (found here #12114), as the documentation of configuration.yml clearly states that only the full path to the executable should be used.
Hope this is helpful to others as well!
RE: Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by Михаил Галац about 8 years ago
I had this error when I redefined the PATH
I set the correct value, and it was all was normal.
RE: Problem accessing secure SVN after upgrade
Added by Anton Sergeev almost 8 years ago
- Create bash-wrapper like this (suppose here /usr/share/redmine/
#!/bin/bash svn --config-dir /usr/share/redmine/svn "$@"
- And then point to this wrapper in config/configuration.yml:
production: scm_subversion_command: /usr/share/redmine/